
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Friday, June 14, 2024

you crafty bastard

Friday, December 23, 2022

Cold Turkey

On “Cold Turkey”: “The cruelty of this method beggars description. Tongue cannot describe nor pen portray its horrors.”

The General Practitioner As A Specialist”:  A Treatise Devoted To The Consideration Of Medical Specialties", 1904

J.D. Albright M.D.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

crystal at T-School

 Name of the book: part of 2022 novel

          Author:  M.W Bell
    Type of book:  Fantasy


“Be afraid of an old man in a field where most die young."

@”So you’re the Crystal, Son of Plait and Emerald that I have heard so much about.”

@”Yes, Elder Phoebus, I am.”

@”We are going to see what  you can do. Come with me. You can train with your Companion part of the time but must train separately the rest of the time. Why would

@”A person with a dog as big as Caleb would be noticed and remembered  but you alone would be simply described as ‘young and slender’ and not described as dangerous. Enjoy this luxury as long as you can young one.

@”I’m told you have  some training. Could you walk over to that man and pick his pocket?”

@”I’d like to say I could but I expect is waiting for my  attempt.”

@Crystal wandered close to Eldrer Phoebus and smoothly attempted to pick his pocket. He got the Elder’s pocke knife and eased away. He turned to look at the Elder. Elder Phoebus was smiling and wolf laughing silently.

@”That was a nice attempt young one but I have had my  pocket picked for decades. I simply know when it  is happening. Now, try on that woman with the cloak.”

@Crystal remembered being taught “work with what you  have not what you wish you  had!” Crystal used his mind talking to ask Caleb to walk in front of that Lady and act cute, Caleb was all too eager to do so!

@Crystal wondered past the woman and took a bag of coins from her cloak’s pocket. She hones

tly did

not notice the thieft.

@”Now, put it back,” Elder Phoebus ordered.

@Crystal simply could not make the approach. So he back tracked behind her and dropped the bag  on the ground, Then he went past her and asked  Caleb to  bark.

@She asked Crystal “why is your puppy barking?”

@”He  thinks there are Squirels everywhere. He hates Squirels for some reason. Well?”

@Caleb came back with her bag in his mouth.

@”That is not a squirrel!”

@She took  her bag and said “I don’t know how this fell out  of my pocket, Thank you little fellow!” She kissed Caleb on the forehead and left.

@Elder Phoebus said “you clearly could tell returning the bag was impossible and used your dog to  effect the return. Well done!”

@Crystal  beamed and Caleb wagged his tail. Later the Lady told Elder Phoebus “he made a smooth pocket pick when he dog distracted me. I did not expect his dog to bring back the bag. He is a poor excuse for a thief, He was wide open to losing what ever he was carrying.”

@”I know,” Elder Phoebus said.


Monday, October 03, 2022

Dec 23 1883

"The Republican Party, while it is wicked and corrupt, is not an assemblage of fools, and while there may be, and doubtlessly are, many foolish and stupid men who put themselves forward as leaders, the mass of voters in all sections of this country are tolerably sensible people."

Dodge City Democrat December 23, 1883

 This sounds like things have not changed since then, although I do wonder about the "assemblage of fools"; I suspect modern republicans are.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dent again

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