
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Friday, October 05, 2001

Frigging Windoz 98

My most pressing beef is the frigging WinDoze 98 on me Gateway Pentium confuzer. Lately, if I ask it to do more than two (2) jobs at once, it will freeze up and I have to reboot that bloody thing. So, what did I do this afternoon that over stressed the poor computer? I had it copying files from a zip disk to a CD I was "burning" and fired up a browser to print an image. Locked that bugger up solid! Had to reboot it and endure the "you didn't properly shut down..." crap!

Back years ago, the '286 was considered really hot suff. It was! In some ways, it was better than pentiums because the operating system didn't let you try to multi-task. No multi-tasking, not multi-failures! Truly, if they'd put the old operating system on a really fast computer, we'd be better off! (OK, I really don't mean that. How else could I checkout the "hot" photos???

What we need is a decent LINUX based system that could run the programmes I like to run Win Doze98 or Win Doze 3.1. Iwoild convert over to it. Besides, the various UNIX shells can do powerful things Win Doze 98 doesn't let users do!

Remember the "CLI nightmare? I remember it as being the wonderful CLI environment! Contrary to what the computer experience of most folks, which is "plug in the comptuer and turn it on", I started in the days of punched cards! Going up to the "CLI nightmare" was a real step upwards! (Besides, you can really screw up a computer when working from a CLI, so you can't play there if you're drunk or tired or whatever. Don't let the kids go there! One morning, in 1988, I really trashed the communications directory of the office computer. It was about 3 am and I'd been there since the previous afternoon. Boy, did i get slapped on the wrist for that one! he, he

Genesis of this webpage name...

Well, I suppose that I should explain the genesis to my webpage name. It was a very popular word around the neighborhood when I was in Hell -er- junior high. I wasn't at all popular since we were in France at the time. Most of my oh-so-wonderful classmates lived in the US getto and avoided going ouot into the "dangerous" French countryside. On the other hand, our family lived in a rowhouse with French neighbors. We were outsiders since we weren't living in the "US guetto" and didn't get to play with the little monsters there. (OK, so I didn't know how to get along well with people and woujld have a much easier time of it now. Also, I was afraid of pain and it took me a long time to realize that the pain of a punch-in-the-nose was always much less than the long term pain of enduring bullying. I finally learned to start punching and the bullies went for softer targets. Damn shame it took me so long to "embrace the pain" and learn to fight.

Anyway, the child's doggeral of "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" is pure crappola! Words can rip your head off and deficate down your throat! Words can really hurt!

So, I say to thowe being harrassed: Fight back!

Tell your parents, tell your teachers, tell anyone who might be able to do something to heop you. The worst thing you can do is remain silent and to tell no one!

You remember that movie, "Flatliners", in which the bully's victims get back hard core? If that were true, then a little turd named Steve Grand and another piece of fecal matter named "Ralph" and a girl whose name I don't recall are getting theirs. Of course, if that story were a reflection of reality, I'd be in deep shiit myself!

Not such a good idea when looked at from that viewpoint!