
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Saturday, September 20, 2003

My wife just called and told me the clothes washer has died!

We've only had it for 17 years; you'd think these things would last!

Really, I was laughing out loud when I thought that. Interestingly enough, my wife isn't seeing any humour in this...

Oh, well, Sears will be happy anyway...

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

boy bullied to death...

This past Sunday, there was a news item that had me infuriated. Seems this boy in one of the New England states killed himself. A common place occurrance, you might say? Well, to add to the confusion, his mother is being tried for (as far as I can tell) complicancy in the boy's death.

The boy was bullied to death.

Now, they did say this boy didn't brush his teeth or take showers or apparently wear clean clothing. His mother's shower was reportedly full of junk. The boy was very smart but apparently had bad people skills. So, it is obvious why the little 7th grade monsters preyed on this boy. He was a soft target! The bullies harrassed him until he felt his only way out was to commit suicide.

What of the bullies? Were they held accountable for the death they caused? I doubt it.

Were the bullies publically recognized for their evil? I strongly doubt it! It would be considered a "act of cruelity{sp}"to publically denounce them. But wasn't hounding a boy to death a worst "act of cruelity{sp}?"

The teachers and "counselors" had to have known what was going on! Were they held accountable for their "turning a blind eye" to the torture going on in their school? One or two of the less politically connected probably were punished but just the expendable ones.

Finally, the boy's own mother was a school system employee and should have seen what was going on. The old girl/old boy network should have told her of what was going on.

Sigh! A boy is dead, the fiends who drove him to his death are probably being told "it wasn't really your fault" or "you could not have known this would have happened" or similiar "male bovine feces" (yes, that does mean that you think it does! I suspect the bullies are being coddled.

I wonder if the boy was buried in holy ground or not because he died a suicide. Results of being severely bullied include suicidal tendencies, withdrawal and an inability to seek help.

I was bullied in junior high and have never gotten over it. I was bullied in high school until I realized that it was my fear of physical pain that kept me from fighting. When I finally realized that emotional pain is far worst than meer physical pain, I started fighting. Funny thing, a couple of fights (even if I lost) and NO ONE gave me any grief again. I guess I wan't a "soft target" once I started punching with vigor.

Of course, back then we all carried pocket knives to school but no one ever drew them and pistols were something our fathers owned but again something we never carried. A most innocent if not less evil time.

As an aside, I suspect the bullies in Columbine got away with their evil as well...