
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

more female candidates (Supreme Court this time)

Ah, the Conservatives, got to love them! (Why?)

For the past several weeks, the Conservative "Republican Base" has been vilifying the possible female candidates that President of the United States (all of the United States) Obama might offer up. It seems they want a Candidate that votes their way on:
  1. abortion,
  2. gay rights,
  3. lower taxes for the rich,
  4. less regulation of business (have they forgotten that de-regulation lead to the:
    • Crash of 1929,
    • the S & L crisis of 1989 and
    • the recent bank crashes (2008-2009)
  5. religion, etc.
Has anyone forgotten that it was a 5 to 4 split vote, along party lines, in the Supreme Court, that lead to George Walker Bush "defeating" Al Gore in the 2000 election in spite of Vice President Gore having won the popular vote? (Of course, the vote crisis happened in Florida, a state ruled by Governor Jeb Bush!)

If this were a European or third world nation, the election of 2000 would have been called a coup...

The "Conservative Base" has probably read Sun Tsu's "The Art of War". The great warrior talked about fighting an offensive war and attacking your enemy where he(she) is weak. Perhaps the "Conservative Base" is hoping to score points by attacking The President's Supreme Court nominees?

The Republicans bitched about the Democrats getting irrelevant and mounting witch hunts against the Republican Supreme Court nominees; ironically, it seems the same Republican Senators are planning to use the same tactics (and more) against the Democrat Supreme Court nominees. I can only hope these Republican Senators will remember what happened during G.W. Bush's presidency and act the way they had wanted the Democrats to act back then!

Friday, May 15, 2009


I watched a CNN news item about people being murdered in the northeast for telling the police about crimes they saw. Some "rappers" have been leading a movement to kill off "snitches". They should be arrested as accessories! Actually, they would be a violation of their First Admentment Rights! Maybe they should just be sued by the families of murdered "snitches"?