
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

day two of the Supremes

This is day two of the Supreme Court's assault on Affordable Health Care (not "ObamaCare").

The reviews suggest the "Supremes" are going to cast down the AHC law. This would be a fucking disaster. After all, "Affordable Health Care" is needed to:
  • Give people health care they could afford while not being rich. Rushbo said he got "excellent health care" [or words to that effect]. Well, he supposedly makes takes in fifty million dollars a year. That is $50,000,000/year! This high an income means the costs of his medical bills were lost in the noise...
  • "Health Care" means exactly that: medical treatment that helps folks; not band aids but "skin grafts and bone transplants" [to paraphrase from a Philip Jose Farmer novel]  I've gotten the "we can give you some treatment but you need to see your Doctor" before.  That didn't make me feel too good...
  • My youngest brother was a type 1 juvenile onset diabetic and could not get decent health care. He died young (age 44). In his last years, he waited until he was sick and went to the emergency room. He checked himself into hospital several times. (I don't even know how someone checks themselves into a hospital!) If he had had health insurance, I might still have my youngest brother alive! But he died for the lack of a family doctor...

Some more stuff "Affordable Health Care" needs to accomplish:
  • guarantee affordable health care for folks with "preexisting conditions" (i.e. diabetes)
  • guarantee folks won't lose their health insurance when they get sick and need that insurance!
  • guarantee folks won't lose their insurance because of:
    1. a typo on their insurance forms
    2. someone forgot to mention treatment from decades previously (i.e. they took those straw coloured pills for their acne when they were in high school 25 years before)
    3. the customer was tricked by small print that allowed the insurer to revoke medical insurance on a whim
  • remain on their parent's health insurance while in college (including grad school)
    We like to say we're not only the greatest nation on Earth but the greatest nation that ever was! If so, why are there places in the US with health care worst than some banana republics? In 2000, the World Health Organization ranked the US as 37th in their ranking of world health care. That was only two above Cuba!

    Being that close to an economic disaster like Cuba is just depressing. Surely we can do better than this?per Hurricane Katrina; maybe New Orleans should have taken the help?


    Sunday, March 11, 2012


    I have trouble understanding why people - especially women - would support Santorum given he has spoken against:
    • abortion
    • birth control
    • gays in the military
    • women  anywhere near a war zone
    • he was never in the Armed Forces but is willing to decide who can serve. He would re-instate "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". It infuriates me that folks who avoided service in the Armed Forces can have the gall to presume to run the Armed forces! 
    • he would "enforce" the laws against pornography. I was under the impression the FBI and Postal Inspectors have been enforcing these laws all along...
    I was appalled when former Senator Santorum said he almost vomited when he learned that President Kennedy spoke in support of "separation of church and state" [or words to that effect]. This sounds like he wants to join church and state. That would be a theocracy. Given his anti-rights stands and statements, it seems to me that former Senator Santorum wants to establish an American Theocracy.

    One of the tenants of Robert A. Heinlein's "Future History" series is a "backwoods Preacher" named Nehemiah Scudder was elected President of the United States in 2012. There was no 2016 election as President Scudder and his followers created a Theocracy.

    I've  been told it would be impossible to establish such a Theocracy. I  can see this from the simple fact there are so many sects of Protestant Religion. While we have large established groups, many of  these Preachers are independent players. It would be very easy for a minister to  find a place to meet, advertise for a congregation and go into business as a church. It would be hard to unify such disparate folks but a Theocracy does not need to be declared.

    The United States government could in effect become a Theocracy if the correct laws were passed. You could even see the President who got these laws passed leave office to a more liberal person. It would take the cooperation of the Supreme  Court to  keep these changes...

    I have trouble understanding why people would support former Senator Santorum given his views,. I have to wonder if these voters even know about them? His views were not mentioned in either of the two Kansas newspapers I read...

    January 3, 2012 Urban Word of the Day
    "The sometimes frothy, usually slimy, amalgam of lubricant, stray fecal matter, and ejaculate that leaks out of the receiving partner's anus after a session of anal intercourse. Named, by popular demand and usage, after legislator Rick Santorum because of his homophobic political statements."

    "That move was about as slick as santorum".