
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Friday, September 23, 2016

"Disownment" revisted

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I have been house cleaning lately and decided to start copying files from my old 3.5" floppy disks to a very large hard drive. I found this file, written on 10 March 2006, and thought "Jeff really didn't disown me". Then, I got to thinking about our lack of contact and realized "Yes, Jeff really did disown me!

Perhaps it was the letter he wrote in the 2004 to 2005 time frame in which he said "we would have never met in real life so let's pretend we didn't meet". [words to that effect]. I guess this counts as disownment!

In 2015, Denise sent us a well written note saying they were only inviting folks "who loved their daughter" to said daughter's wedding. (I can not recall the name of this daughter and in fact, don't recall their names and have no idea what they look like!)  This was a well written "fuck you, don't come out!". Having just gotten retired, I didn't want to waste the money on an uninvited visit to them. We did not know the date or place of said wedding and they would not tell us. 

"C'est la guerre!". which is French for "it's the war!"

The old text follows:

I suppose it really bothers me that my brother Jeff has disowned me. It didn't dawn on me until last night that I've been grieving for him, for the lost relationship. I really didn't get to know him when we were boys and now it looks like I'll never get to know him as an adult.

 Our Mother was sick over Christ Mass [2005]. I couldn't go out to visit but two of our brothers live in the area and could and did visit her. She said that it was OK I didn't come out. Jeff come out and stayed a week and I suspect he's pissed at me over this.

 Let's see if I can figure out when it started going to crap? In the early 1990s, I was still getting over being passed over for promotion to LCDR (USN) and my wife and I were visiting Jeff and family. I started telling a couple of happy Navy stories and Jeff rather rudely told me "no one wants to hear those stories" [or words to that effect]. That shut me right up and I said nothing more as the conversation died and we left earlier than I'd thought we would.

It was an hour and a half drive back home but Jeff hadn't offered us his spare bedroom and we would not have accepted had he.

 Another time (after this first insult) we had Christmas gifts to deliver. Jeff's wife said "you've got to deliver them in a hurry and leave. My parents are coming by 3:30 pm and I can't entertain both of you and them." [or words to that effect]

 So, we showed up, dropped off the gifts, did the prefunctuary "how-are-you-we-are-fine" and were making our escape when the worst happened!

 Her parents arrived!

 Not only that but her parents were happy to see us and her father wanted to talk for a while. sigh. He was paying more attention to us than his daughter. We had a bit of difficulty breaking contact but we managed. The irony is that breaking contact is a term for one military force breaking contact with an enemy force. We had a good time with her father and didn't want to break contact with him (or his wife). We simply wanted to break contact with their daughter (Jeff's wife).

 I've got to wonder. Am I the only one in the family who remebers this? Does my brother Jeff remember slights the way I do? Probably! We both had the same father!

 Jeff's wife had serious martial problems with her ex. She was still married to this shithead when she started dating Jeff; their marrage date was dependent on when her divorce went through. They say they're good Christians and good Republicians. I've never seen reason to remind them of the part of Leviticus which states:
21:14 A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife. Blue seems like a good choice of colour when discussing a "blue law"
Now, ignoring what "his own people" means in today's world, I don't think God would begrudge my brother and his wife finding happiness in marriage and I'm sure their kids are perfectly fine daughters (our Mother thinks so and the girl I met several years ago was; tis a pity I'll never be more than a distant Uncle and cautionary tale to them.

I say "cautionary tale" as I've heard they tell "Uncle Mike" stories about things I did or may have done when I was growing up...) Oh, well, enough beefing. I've "honey do" to be done and not much time for that and a half hour walk before lunch "with the wife". (I don't normally use the phrase "with the wife" and I'm surprised it kind of slipped out...)

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disownment, cautionary tales, Uncle Mike cautioinary tales, grief, anger

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Lying" Donald and "Honest" Hillary

Donald Trump lies a great deal more than Hillary Clinton yet Don’s apparatchiks ignore his lies. They tell lies about Hillary’s supposed lies and simply are regurgitating his garbage.  I suspect his fans believe what the Don is saying but I simply don’t .


I don’t  see how we’re going to mend the Hillary people and the Trump people come the end of this bullshit.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Republicians and their Piss Poor Manners

The Republicans say they are the polite party and all the obnoxious assholes are Democrats (or so I’ve heard some Republicans say). This simply is not true.

At the Kansas State Faire in Hutchinson this past weekend, I saw a woman in a “Hillary for Prison” t-shirt, two people wearing “Deplorables” t-shirts and I heard there were several “TRUMP/PENCE” t-shirt wearers.

No one gave them any shit.

A woman was wearing a CLINTON/KAINE FOR PRESIDENT t-shirt. If the Republicans are truly the Party of the Polite, she would have been ignored or gotten polite remarks.

I saw here literally cornered by people whose body language did not seem friendly. I later heard she had been complaining about being booed and hissed.

I congratulated her on “Showing The Colors” and she was grateful for getting some support.

So much for the Republican Party being the Party of the Polite.


I will vote for HILLARY/KAINE even though I know Kansas is almost guaranteed to vote Republican. I am going to vote out of pure defiance!


Deplorables, Kansas State Faire 2016, Hillary For Prison, TRUMP/PENCE, CLINTON/KAINE

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Friday, September 16, 2016

too much praise of "The Donald" is leading to increasing nausea

So, I decided to watch the Medal Of Honour winners saying nice things to and about Donald Trump.

It tested my stomach to listen to these good men praise "The Donald".

Finally, they brought in a retired RAdm who is talking policy and threat analysis...oops...he just started talking about how Trump is going to help veterans (including a Democrat, me?).

Emailing: vomit-smiley-026.jpg, vomit-smiley-014.jpg, vomit-smiley-025.jpg

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smart bear!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Emailing: 14322338_1173486632723365_8073344552435200872_n.jpg

Sunday, September 11, 2016

typical kitty

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

revised list of my family deaths

Deaths of close family members:

Father Jack Warren Bell, 25 August 1925 to 3 February 1994
Congestive heart failure

Mother Shirley Ann Maxson 5 November 1927 to 12 March 2006
probably aneurism

Brother Charles Andrew Bell  2 November 1965 to 10 December 2009 congestive heart failure

Monday, September 05, 2016

dates my family deaths