
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

former Sheriff Clark on President Obama

Former Sheriff Clark has apparently mislabeled a picture of President Obama crying about the Sandy Hook murders as being a sign of Obama being weak. Folks commented about this and a troll calling itself "Self Loathing Liberal" responded with insults, non sequitur and simple trolled racism. 


Intelligent discourse on facebook appears to be a hopeless wish.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

gobsmacked by congress ( "investigatinty" President Obama and Secretary Clinton)

I just heard on the Rachel Maddow show that Congress is planning on conducting an investigation of President Obama and an investigation of Secretary Clinton!  This is utterly pointless!

Don't they realize that President Obama has got to be retired from elected politics?  After all, once you have been President, where can you go?
Can anyone picture President Obama putting up with the happy horseshit the House shit on Secretary Clinton?

What is to stop President Obama from claiming Executive Privilege and refusing to answer questions?  What is to stop him from simply walking out?

Then, there is Secretary Clinton. She is out of office but won the popular vote and should be President. She is not longer in office and given her age and the animosity against her from the Trumpies, I can not pictue her running for President again. (Of course, I have been wrong many times before sadly.)

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Casino Restraunt Service...another fail

We had a fine dinner at the Boot Hill Museum Restaurant and then it went to shit.

I was gambling at the slot machine when I realized I had left the box with leftovers at the table. I went to the reception desk and they did not have my left over box.

We went to our table and the waitress said "I threw it out."

I said "I wanted to take it home with me!" "I'm so sorry", she wailed.

Well, damn but if a guest has left overs put in a box and writes the date on it, this should suggest the guest want to take the food home with him!

I figure this silly girl robbed us of about $10 to $12 worth of left overs.

I am still pissed by this. I'm thinking the next time we go out for dinner, we will simply go elsewhere!

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Friday, October 06, 2017

letter to Dr. Marshall

Dear Dr. Marshall,

This morning, I read the House passed a budget that would cut 500 billions dollars from Medicare?  Is this true?

I am retired, on Medicare and receive Social Security. If this is true, then the House budget is going to impose a severe burden on my family. This is simply unacceptable. There are a vast number of "old" people in the USA who depend on Medicare and on social security.

A large number of older voters, including me, depend on these programs. I hope you will fight for us!


Michael W. Bell

PS: I am also a retired federal worker and have signed an agreement which sets my retirement. Although this is a side issue, I hope and trust you will not tolerate any reductions in my income in order to decrease the income taxes on the very rich.

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