
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Monday, June 18, 2018

tRump specks

tRump et. al. are now saying there are no children separated from their parents. (But the photographic evidenced exists.) Then they say the separation is due a democrat passed law and tRump insists the democrats pass a law to fix this.

Why should the Democrats take the action of writing a future law when the Democrats are in the minority. It is the duty of the majority party to write the laws!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Happy Commies

Apparently, the Russians are celebrating tRump shutting down the US/SK "War Games". The Red Chinese are also celebrating along with the Commie North Koreans.

How do you "thank" the President who gave them such cause for celebration?

How many of our warriors died in the Korean War?

How many came home wounded in body, soul and mind?

How many are puzzled at tRump for reneging on this set of solune agreements? How can anyone believe the US of A when we (the government) make Treaties, Contracts or simply make remarks?

What is to stop hostile governments from behaving like tRump and violating Treaties and Contracts themselves? They damn sure will not get worried by tRump; they won't care about remarks by Nehemiah Scudder err Vice President Mike Pence.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

more on tRump's presents to our Blood Enemy

tRump is reported as offering financial aid to our Blood Enemy North Korea.

What a bunch of bullshit! Perhaps the best way to describe this is to call it a major bride. I hope this is a bribe because the receiver can start needing the bribe. On the other hand, the North Koreans can start demanding higher bribes grants or serious  blowback will result!

Why does the man sitting in the President’s Seat like the dictators more than he does the Democracy loving Europeans; the democracy loving Europeans tRump snubbed.

I despair at the actions of this fucking amateur.

first horrors from tRup and Kim

After expressing contempt for some of the G7 (Group of Seven) and after refusing to sign their closing statement, tRump now expresses his admiration for Kim Jong-un. He said he “trusts Kim Jong-un”.

There was a report that tRump wants to give economic aid to North Korea!

I hope this is “fake news”! After giving the uber rich in the US of A a major tax cut and apparently ignoring the projected jump in the deficit, tRump now wants the American tax payers to fund economic aid to fucking North Korea.

You’ve got to be shitting me!

There are a lot of places in the US of A that need economic aid.

  • Perhaps tRump could repair Porta Rico; it is, after all, part of the US of A.
  • There are a number of states with huge numbers of pot holed roads. How about fixing them.
  • There are  a number of homeless Vets.  How about giving my homeless brothers and sisters homes (or at least good shelter) and jobs?
  • How about getting the Federal Government out of people’s private lives? Isn’t invasive snooping in folks’ private lives a feature of dictator governments such as Kim Jong-un?

I was thinking the Cabinet could have sprung an Amendment 25 coup on tRump but those  apparatchik. in the Cabinet don’t have the balls. I suspect tRump knows where all the bodies are buried and will “take out” (legally) ever one who opposes him.

We’re screwed until 2020. Maybe the Republicans will covertly help the Democrats win in 2020? It looks like the Republicans are trying to disassociate themselves from the tRump disaster they created by leaving Congress. Good riddance, I say!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Sold Down The River

Need is that the tRump has sold us down the rivet. That is, tRump agreed to remove part of all of our troops from South Korea.

The simple shit!

North Korea's army will totally over run the entire South of Korea in several days!  The South can't stop the North.  Red China and the Russia of the new Czar will threaten war of tRump mutters anything about a military response.

Thousands of good soldiers and marines including my Uncle Don (who came back from the Korean War physically) and my college buddy who seemed OK after a non-violent tour in South Korea in the early 1970s.

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