
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Saturday, July 21, 2018

et tu, Michael?

Michael Cohen, The Donald's "fixer", was treated horribly by The Donald. For years. he made the deals and the payoffs that protected The Donald. Sadly, he did not get nice rewards. He got tossed under the bus.

It now turns out that Michael Cohen was secretly recording conversations with The Donald..

When this was revealed, The Donald said in a sad and grieving voice "how could Michael do this to me"?

It could be karma. After all, Donald, you have shafted many people over the decades. Treason is the betrayal of a benefactor and your Michael Cohen has truly been there to protect you; he has been a true benefactor. How did you respond? How did you thank "your Michael"? You responded by denigrating Michael Cohen and by diminishing his importance in your Court.

The real fear The Donald must be feeling is "who will be next to betray me"? 

Given the number of people The Donald has fucked over, that is a veritable universe of people...

tap dancing

"The Donald" has been tap dancing around regarding his bromance with Czar Vlad I. The more he tries to make it look innocent, the more he looks like Putin's bitch.

Hillary Rodam Clinton would never have gotten into this horrific and shameful position!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Trump and Putin

Putin and Trump had a private meeting in Helsinki, Finland.

After the private meeting between Putin and Trump , Trump seemed beaten and totally submissive to Putin; he acted like Putin's bitch.

This scares me. What the hell happened in that "summit" meeting?  What did Trump tell Putin when it was just those two and each one's selected translator. As President, Trump knows or at least as access to, all the classified intelligence. What did Trump tell Putin?

The initial Republican response was to freak out.

What do they know that we peasants do not know?

Now, Trump has invited Putin to stay at the People's House, the White House. I wonder what will happen on the Second Floor of the People's House? What was that story of Trumpwife3 sleeping in a different room from Trump?  Who is to stop them from having a very private conversation in Trump's private quarters?  (After all, Putin supposedly speaks English very well.)

I wonder if the Trumpettes are calling this "false news"?  (How can they when it was broadcast on international TV?)  I talked with Senator Moran's Aide this past Wednesday and he was curious what we thought. I called Trump "Putin's Bitch".

Then I said I was going to email him about the need to reduce and control the price of insulin. Truly, overly expensive insulin will kill more diabetics in the near term then trump are likely to.

Can those Big Pharm Companies be charged with Volunteer Manslaughter for every diabetic who dies due to not being able to buy all the insulin they need?