
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trump impeached and I am relieved

Well, "The Donald" got impeached and I am relieved this little nightmare is over.

So, now it is up to the Senate to perform their sworn duties. (I fear they will not.) Based on Moscow Mitch saying he is "not impartial" makes me think the fix is in.

So, what can "The Donald" do beside whine and bitch on tweeter?

It occurred to me "The Donald" could sue the House to have the Impeachment overturned in court. This does not possible but I did not think "The Donald" could avoid an iron clad law requiring income tax returned to be given to House Committee Chairmen/women if asked for...

It would be an interesting event as I don't think Speaker Pulaski would give in to this kind of reaction.


watching the impeachment hearings...

I was watching the impeachment hearings this afternoon. I was disappointed with the Republicans.

The Republicans were strident, said there was no evidence that Trump had done anything wrong and said the Democrats were so wrong.

When I was a college Freshman (1969-1970), I was a member of the "Young Republicans". I can picture our faculty advisor dropping his head onto his hands and shaking his head.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Interesting quote from "To Be a Woman (The Metal Maiden Series Book 1)"

Hi – I'm reading "To Be a Woman (The Metal Maiden Series Book 1)" by Piers Anthony and wanted to share this quote with you.

"Elasa hauled arms, legs, head, and torso from the box and began putting them together. The torso was robustly female, with a narrow waist, broad hips, and prominent breasts. This was evidently the femdroid. But if they thought he wouldn't know her from a living woman, they were delusional."

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