
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Monday, March 07, 2022

for trip

 □ Passport

□ Vaccination Card

□ Does Kathie have both?

□ Pill box full

□ Spare pills

□ Two copies of daily meds

□ Essential passwords (blog, email, Amazon)

□ Big Kindle

□ Little Kindle

□ Cell fone

□ Power cord for big Kindle and cell fone

□ Power cord for Little Kindle

□ Black camera

□ Charger for Black camera

□ Memory chip in Black camera

□ Have we one the covid-19 test

□ Nice diary for trip

□ Note pad to log food and activities before diary entries

□ New suit

□ frilly shirt (starched)

□ dress shirt (starched)

□ several long sleeve shirts

□ 6 sets underwear

□ 6 sets socks

□ both new trousers

□ Tilly Hat


    Extra needles 

    Extra test stripes

   Ask room Stewart for SHARPS container or save a Diet drink bottle...

   Spare glasses

    Light winter coat

    Spare hearing aids

    Extra hearing aid batteries

    Stomach pills


     Act...pain killer

      Band aids

      Triple antibody