
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I was delighted that the 60th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings went so well. Having lived in France for 3 years (1963 - 1966) I know the French people are a great people. (OK, so I am speaking of the Frogs in a small northern village - LaFere.) When I read of desecrated grave markers at Normandy in 2003, I knew the French had not done this; it had to have been done by the Arab "guest workers" or their children.

The real French are still to grateful for the defense of France in War 1 and the liberation of France in War 2.

There have been no reports of problems from the 60th Anniversary and I only think the real French are back in control!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Another damned traitor!

When I was in the Navy, my Division Officer, a LCDR, talked about "Martin and Mitchell".

These were two former NSA employees who had worked in code breaking. They had gone to a foreign country (Sweden?) and listed all the counties whose encrypted messages the US of A could decrypt. These folks (mostly our allies!) then changed their code methods. You should read "The Codebreakers" by Steven Kahn!

This was a sever blow to the US of A as we were also breaking back Soviet Block messages. They moved to the USSR and are probably still living in Moscow (Russia). They do not deserve to come home.

My point is that another military [expletive deleted] as betrayed our country by revealing that NSA was apparently braking the Iranian codes and reading their messages.

Now, they will change their codes and we will lose this window into Teheran at a most unfortunate time.

Any U.S. Armed Forces personnel who gave away this information are traitors and deserve to be executed as traitor(s)!