
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Ann Coulter and "faggot"

"I was going to have a few comments about John Edwards, but these days you have to go into rehab if you say the word 'faggot'."
-- Ann Coulter, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference
Doesn't she realize that for a lot of men simply accusing a man of being gay is enough to damn a politician as being gay and that is an absolute career killer for a politician.
"'Faggot' isn't offensive to gays; it has nothing to do with gays."
-- Ann Coulter ("Doonsbury" on Slate 8 March 2007)

I've lived in several "sections" of the US of A and served in the US Navy with men and women from a number of places in the US of A. Contrary to what dear, Dear, DEAR Ann may say, "foggot doesn't just mean "a burning stick", it means homosexual. Here is a definition:

From "TheFreeDictionary", the definition of "faggot" is:

fagĀ·got 2 (fgt), n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.
You'd think a lawyer would know this!

If a Democrat tried tap dancing his/her way out of a faux fax like this then
dear, Dear, DEAR Ann or Oxycontin Rush would tear them new assholes!

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