
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

why do they love Sarah Palin?

After listening to a number of men around 6 am - 7 am at work (before the day workers came in) just after Sinator McCain announced his VP candidate and seeing how they were in love/lust with Sarah Palin, it occurred to me: why?
  1. She is a beautiful woman,
  2. She likes to hunt and kill critters and do other manly things like be a Hockey fan (OK, a "Hockey Mommy",
  3. She has had five (5) kids.
Conclusion: she is a beautiful woman who like to f*ck and do manly things, with her man, away from the rack*.

For these reasons, is it any wonder why those young men I work with are breathing hard when they think about "their" Sarah.

* Rack is Navy talk for the "bed" on a ship; if you'd ever slept on one, you would know why it is called a "rack"!

the Bill Buckley choice...

Years ago (October 31, 1996) , Bill Buckley posted this note in his "National Review". I'm curious how "my" politicians would respond:
...Conceive a fantasy: You are required to push the 'A' button or the 'B' button. The 'A' button would instantly incarcerate all illegal drug users. The 'B' button would drop charges against illegal drug users. Which button would you depress? Does your allegiance to law and order propel you to put millions of people in jail? Or are you inclined to modify your opinion about what should be a jailable offense?"

- conservative syndicated columnist William F. Buckley Jr.

Liberator Online, Volume 1, Number 08
October 31, 1996

There is one Kansas politician who admitted to smoking pot in college. I haven't heard of any attempts on his part to decriminalize pot smoking or to make it a state misdemeanor. It looks like this Member of Congress just wants to pretend it never happened; after all, he is a professional member of the House of [mis]Representatives and only a fool endangers his career.

I am fully sympathetic with him in this regard.

I wonder how our various "leaders' would respond to this challenge?