
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

why do they love Sarah Palin?

After listening to a number of men around 6 am - 7 am at work (before the day workers came in) just after Sinator McCain announced his VP candidate and seeing how they were in love/lust with Sarah Palin, it occurred to me: why?
  1. She is a beautiful woman,
  2. She likes to hunt and kill critters and do other manly things like be a Hockey fan (OK, a "Hockey Mommy",
  3. She has had five (5) kids.
Conclusion: she is a beautiful woman who like to f*ck and do manly things, with her man, away from the rack*.

For these reasons, is it any wonder why those young men I work with are breathing hard when they think about "their" Sarah.

* Rack is Navy talk for the "bed" on a ship; if you'd ever slept on one, you would know why it is called a "rack"!


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