
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Monday, October 17, 2016


Here is a second shot at a long winded note I wrote this morning and should have saved. It regards what I wish was not being "discussed" in media and what I wish was being discussed.

I am tired of the Republicians:
  • blaming Benguaza on Clinton without mentioning:
    1. the Republician House cut funding for Embassy Security
    2. Clinton was not the one who assigned Embassy Security Officers
    3. Benauaza security was provided by local hire "security" who ran when the rioters showed up
    4. the Armed Forces could have sent in military help
  • blaming the Status of Forces Agreement that requied the US to withdraw from Iraq on President Obama when it was negcoiated and signed by the Bush Administration.
  • Insulting President Obama and his wife
  • inventing evil acts supposedly done by Clinton without giving evidence
  • accusing President Bill Clinton of rape decades ago without providing proof
  • calling Hillary Clinton "dishonest" and a liar without providing explicit proof
  • refusing to perform their duties in the House and Senate in the hope the Obama Administration will fail
  • having run up the massive deficite and then having the gall to blame it solely on President Obama

I would like to hear both the Republicans and Democrats discuss:
  • getting rid of the deficit
  • restoring the Regan Era Incomes Taxes to deal with the deficit
  • agree to stop looting the Social Security Fund
  • agree that in enlisting troops and sending them to the Armed Forces (and often into combat), the government must honor the agreement to care for said troops. They can not suddenly decide "fuck 'um" and cut them loose to deal with their new problems. (My Uncle Don had massive PTSD from his Korean War combat experiences and got no treatment for this.)
  • deal with the heron epidemic spreading through a number of places in our country
  • deal with homelessness
  • deal with the massive college debts
  • create health care for those without health care and those with excessively expensive health care
  • deal with companies moving offshore to avoid paying income taxes
  • regulate the prices charged inside the CONUS by companies which moved offshore to avoid US Income Taxes
  • allow US citizens to buy medical devices/medicines from overseas companies if they are
    1. the same quality as medical devices/medicines subject to excess prices and sold by US companies hiding overseas
    2. much cheaper than items sold in the CONUS.


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