
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Friday, July 01, 2005

The Administration is shafting Military Veterans again...

If a Democrat even remotely suggests that we're not winning in Iraq, then the Republicians accuse him/her of "NOT Supporting The Troops". The Democrat is reduced to a tearful appology.

On the other hand, when Republician Congress-critters blattenly
refuse to "Support The OLD Troops" and not even CNN mentions it. (Certainly not the "O'Reilly spin -er- nospin zone.)

Who are the OLD Troops? Whey, they are the Veterans such as my wife, me, two of my brothers, my father-in-law, my late father and most of the men I know. Do you suppose the current administration is taking a lesson from such Ethical Business Leaders such as Sears and is shitcanning the "old workers"? After all, the "old workers" (ok, "Veterans") just drain money and don't give back anything.

So what have they "done for me lately" ("me" being the government)? Fifty one percent (prorated) voted Republician and 48 percent Democrat. Next Presidental election time, we just might be seeing a change in this as the new young Veterans vote their outrage..


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