
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Excession on the part of the FCC...

Have you noticed that the FCC Chairman is going after anything remotely seeming like sex if it is on football games?

Janet Jackson's left breast was exposed during a football game. (Large, a bit saggy and I wish she hadn't pierced the nipple. All together, I nice sight. I didn't see said breast on the football game and had to wait till Matt Drudge published a "special" featuring Janet's left breast.)

There was a "racy" segment during a football game last Monday. ABC apologized, the NFL says there were offended and somehow hurt and FCC Chairman Michael Powell wants to fine ABC for "indecency". There was nothing "indecent" about a back shot of a woman. If you want "racy", then look at the cleavage the female cheerleaders show! (I like it.) Look at how the cheerleaders in the first game of that 1 season football league were dressed. Chaps over a skin tone (matched to each woman's skin) colored pair of skin tight shorts. If that wasn't a "look here, boys", I don't know what would/could have been.

What do these right wingers have against sex or female skin? Don't they know that the quickest way to desensitize men from interest in looking at women is simply to let them see everything. I once spent a couple of afternoons on a beech where the women dressed like the men - that is, with shorts and nothing else. It didn't take more than an hour before I went from thinking "tits! Got to look!" to "small tits, not going to look" and finally "not large tits, not going to look." I had become desentisized. (Oops, accidentally but telling misspelling there.)

I still have the photos I took that day in November, 1987. I don't know where I'd be able to publish them on the internet. They certainly aren't racy and the women are attractive but not beauty queens. Just average, attractive and fit young women (ages 20 - 30).

But, I keep digressing. The FCC personnel, like all Federal Employees, are required to sign an oath stating they "will defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of American from all enemies foreign and domestic". A pity the FCC has apparently forgotten it's responsibility to protect the First Admendment Rights of all citizens and not just those whose speech they approve of!




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