
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

"Congratulations on Winning Your First Honest Presidental Election"

During Dubwa's first four years as the Presidental Incumbent, I kept wondering if the Democrats would send out "Congratulations on Winning Your First Honest Presidental Election" cards to George Walker Bush. I didn't hear of any being sent and didn't feel like going to the effort. I guess I'm one of those "Gore Losers" who still thinks that if it weren't for the Supreme Court and Dubwa's brother Jeb being Florida Governor, there would have been a recount and President Al Gore would have taken office.

If there had been a complete recount and George Walker Bush could have been seen to have "won" Florida and thus the election, there would have been a lot less dissention and separation between Democrat and Republician. But, we'll never know...

where did the scandals go?

The cable news has been bereft of any updates on the "who outed Plame" scandal, the "is it legal to spy on American Citizens simply because the President says it is" scandal, Judge whats his name hasn't been bugged about Row -v- Wade lately and the deficite keeps getting worst!

The Republicians keep calling the Democrates the "tax and spend party". Under President Clinton, the deficite was erased and we were on the way to a big surplus.

Why don't the Democrates refer to the Republicians as the "untax the rich and spend party". Under Regan, Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger, we've seen major deficites. How are we to pay for this???

The rich politicians (a redundant phrase that) say "we need to make sacrifices". Funny how that really means "we need you un-rich folks to make sacrifices". If I ran my household like the Republicans run the government, I would talk my wife into quitting her job (to reduce income) and we'd go on a spending spree! But, to do that would result in us having to declare bankruptsy. Oops, can't do that; the rich boys have made it damn near impossible to get debt relief that way! (Unless you're a rich boy or rich girl and Uncle Sugar -er- Uncle Dubwa will bail you out!)

I suppose I could write "my" Congress Critters (to use Jerry Pournell's phrase) but experience has taught me that neither of "my" Senators and quite probably "my" House Member give a shit what about my opinion...

I can't afford to bribe them -er- make large campaign controbutions!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Presidental "Happy Holidays" message (AKA "Merry Christmass Message") for 2005

To all DOC employees (DOC is Department of Commerce)

President Bush sends the following Holiday Message to the
Employees of the
Federal Government:

"I send greetings to all Federal employees and your
families as you
celebrate this holiday season.

Federal service is a high calling and an expression of
citizenship. By working to improve lives, advance
prosperity, and protect
our homeland, you strengthen our country and help many
realize the promise
of America. Your spirit of professionalism and dedication
reflects the
best of our society and contributes to the success of our
great Nation.

Laura and I send our best wishes to you and your loved
ones during this
season of hope and joy. May God bless you, and may God
continue to bless

Signed George W. Bush

A facsimile of the letter can be viewed at

This message is authorized by ExecSec

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

move over "Slick Willie", "Slick Dubya" is in the house!!!

Move over "Slick Willie", "Slick Dybya" is in the house!!!

If our last great President, William Jefferson Clinton had violated the fourth amendment rights of so may US Citizens or Resident Aliens, the Republicians would impeach him!

I saw a tape of George Walker Bush telling an audience about having to get warrants before he could have wire taps done. This was after he had ordered the NSA to monitor various calls to the US of A. If this wasn't lying, then maybe "Dubya" is getting a bit of the forgetfullness that President Regan had his second term...

Maybe he is a so focused that trivia like the Fourth Admentment didn't register...

Merely saying that his pet Attorney General had said he had the authority to monitor calls to the US of A does not mean he (the President) actually has that privlege. So, where are the Republicans who said that "Slick Willie" couldn't lie about getting blown? Isn't lying about wire tapping a bit more serious than lying about being head? Oh, wait, "Dubya" wasn't under oath when he talked about the legal need for search warrents...

More on the scandal:


"Spy court judge quits in protest":

Spy coury judge quits in protest

Saturday, December 17, 2005

a threat or not a threat...

From this URL
an interesting Slate quote

I quote:

Bushism of the Day

By Jacob Weisberg
Posted Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005, at 12:31 PM ET

mean, there was a serious international effort to say
to Saddam Hussein, you're a threat. And the 9/11 attacks
extenuated that threat, as far as
I am concerned."Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 2005

end of quote

The definition of "extenuated", taken from
extenuated is:

I quote:


verb {T} FORMAL

to cause a wrong act to be judged less seriously by
giving reasons for it:
end of quote

My interpretation: This quote suggests that President Bush
the Younger said that "the 9/11 attacks" showed Saddam
Hussein to be less of a threat that previously thought...

Interesting and revealing, possibly a Freudian Slip???