
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

fighting dirty...

I've gotten disgusted with the way the National Republicians fight dirty. There is the up-front "we respect our enemies" approach coupled with the "veteran" who pops up and says "that Democrat Senator or Representative didn't really earn his purple heart or told me that it was for nothing" [or words to that effedt]. How can they find former military folks who can verbally attack the Democrats like this? How can anyone honour those who lied? (i.e. "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth")

How can the Democrats fight back against slander like this given there is the suggestion of truth in the attacks? How do you deal with the lie wrapped in truth like worms in a healthy looking watermelon? How can they prove themselves honourable men when those attacking also claim to be honourable men?

Why is it the Democrats are so poor at this kind of assualt?

Why are the Republicans so damned good at rebuffing similiar attacks by Democrats?

Oh, before some schmuck decides that I didn't really earn my Purple Heart, I should mention that when I was in the Armed Forces, I was injured but not in "time of war" and so I wasn't awarded a Purple Heart!

Let me be the first to denounce myself!

I did not earn "my" Purple Heart!!!


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