
Basically whatever happens to irritate me. Probably quite trivial but then why not? After all, the First Admendment says I can (but then the new Supreme Court may change that...)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Libertarian Quiz and my spot in it...

The "World's Smallest Political Quiz" is an offering from the Libertarians which ranks folks on the basis of "Personal Issues" and "Economic Issues". It is both provocative and quite amusing. To my surprise, I rank as "Left Liberal". Here are two of my "test results".The first is my earlier and the second from tonight (10 October 2006).

The second is an admitedly poor image and I'll have to do something about that...

Basically, it shows me as being slightly less Liberal?

This quiz, like all things political, has it's detractors.

Here is a webpage listing a long litergy of Objections to the "World's Smallest Political Quiz. These objections make some sense.

My main objections to the Libertarian Party are:

  1. We need government to maintain order,
  2. We need government to provide military and police and social
  3. A purely Libertarian Government would allow "Big
    Business" to run rampant and that would be worst that our
    version of "Big Government".
  4. But then, "Big Business" already runs the government so it may be a bit hard to really support objecton #3.
A point in favor of the Libertarian Party? At least they would get the Government out of people's private lives! If concenting adults want to have consentual sex, well, it's a private matter and the government should stay out of it! As for "pot", let private individuals (adults) indulge in private. Treat it like booze and please, keep the government from issuing bullshit objections (i.e. gateway drug or the "pot make maniacs")


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